Hats off to Darrell Bratz over at Rancid Popcorn for being a fast first responder to our DESTRUCTIBLE-BLOG-A-THON.1!
Not only has Darrell found it in his heart to share (and hilariously so) three, count 'em -- three, worthy animal DDs from three diversely different motion pictures -- TARZAN AND HIS MATE (1934), BATMAN (1966) and THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD (1938) -- he has also inadvertently dropped in our laps a veritable cornucopia of prostheticide!

Now that we've got the engine running, let's continue to look under the hood of TARZAN AND HIS MATE -- and behold! -- it is not long before we stand face to face with an equally impressive animal dummy-death! -- this time a proud queen of the jungle:
As if this were too much for our innocent minds to bear, we are treated to a very big cherry on top of an already very big dummy-death cake with this next sequence:
Simply surreal! So let's give a barrage of Tarzan yells for Darrell as we thank him for a fantastic post and a fantastic blog! Swing back any time, Darrell -- you're always welcome in our tree house!

Click to view post at Rancid Popcorn!
post © Howard S. Berger & Kevin Marr
That last Tarzan clip is just downright AMAZING!!!
Thanks for the kind words and the chance to play along, guys! I knew I'd left prosthetic money on the table, I'm very glad you addressed that with the two additional clips. I'll be watching to see what other contributions come rolling along.
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